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We are FirstChoiceServicesLTD

Electrical Company

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Cost of renovation

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[grafon_section_title title_text=”What we do” subtitle_text=””][/grafon_section_title][grafon_services count=”3″ order=”ASC” thumbnail_cols=”col-md-4″ tablet_cols=”col-sm-4″]
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Happy customers
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Cups of coffe
[grafon_section_title title_text=”Why Choose Us” subtitle_text=”Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat”][/grafon_section_title]
[grafon_single_service ser_title=”Installation Services” ser_img=”602″]We specialise in cost effective, reliable and efficient electrical installations!

Offering over 20 years’ experience, incredibly competitive prices and a highly dedicated and skilled team of electricians, we provide customers from across London and the South East with the very best in electrical contracting and installations.

We have the experience, expertise and skills to take on any electrical contracting project.

Our highly skilled, reliable and professional electricians can do everything from installing voice and data networks in an office building to fitting out a café restaurant or helping a home owner achieve the design they want within budget and at the same time help the environment.[/grafon_single_service]

[grafon_single_service ser_title=”Home maintenance” ser_img=”183″]Quisque et lectus pulvinar, porttitor mi non, elementum dui. Morbi mi nisl, tincidunt sed venenatis eget, finibus eu mauris. Nullam nisi lacus, feugiat eget varius eget, pellentesque dictum odio. Sed sollicitudin viverra est, at aliquam metus ultrices id. Duis eu purus vel nisl commodo facilisis vitae ut lectus.. Dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.[/grafon_single_service]
[grafon_single_service ser_title=”Bulding Transport” ser_img=”184″]Sed elementum dapibus tellus, a dictum metus interdum ac. Nullam condimentum, dui volutpat fringilla molestie, libero tortor ultrices lorem, at tempus diam purus non velit. Aliquam vel nulla eleifend, consequat elit id, tristique massa. Fusce dolor velit, blandit ac erat ac, vestibulu mauris. Nullam nisi lacus, feugiat eget varius eget, pellentesque dictum odio. Sed sollicitudin viverra est, at aliquam metus ultrices id. Duis eu purus vel nisl commodo facilisis vitae ut lectus.[/grafon_single_service]
[grafon_section_title title_text=”Why Choose Us” subtitle_text=”Quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat”][/grafon_section_title]

Based in Maidstone, Kent, we offer commercial and industrial companies across London and the South East the very best in electrical installations, testing and design services. For some or our more recent projects we have travelled further afield, from Darlington, County Durham to St. Austell, Cornwall.
We are a family run business established in 1993, so we have over 20 years’ experience in the electrical contracting industry. We aim to provide our customers with a helpful service of good quality installations and design services and we do so on time and on budget.

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Need more Info

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[grafon_section_title title_text=”Our last work”][/grafon_section_title][grafon_portfolios posts_per_page=”9″]
[grafon_section_title title_text=”Testimonials” subtitle_text=””][/grafon_section_title][grafon_testimonials show_avatar=”yes”]
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Get in touch

Ready to order your project ? Write us…[/grafon_cta]